

Job Search Opportunity Card - application, options

Complete the online application form (application forms are required for each applicant separately; all children require separate forms).

Bring one signed copy of the form including the barcodes to your appointment.

A valid passport signed by the holder, issued within the last 10 years and valid for at least one year is necessary. The passport needs to have at least 2 subsequent blank pages. Please bring 1 photocopy of the passport biodata page to your appointment.

1 fully biometric passport photo, 35 x 45 mm, no older than three months. Digitally altered passport photos cannot be accepted. Please ensure that your photo adheres to German biometric requirements and is taken in front of a white/bright background.

Bring your valid Botswana residence permit and 1 photocopy to your appointment.

Are you from a Country outside the EU/EEA or Switzerland and would like to apply for an opportunity card under Section 20a of the Residence Act [AufenthG]? The following options are open to you:

Option 1: You have a foreign professional or academic qualification that is fully recognised in Germany. Alternatively, you obtained your university degree or professional qualification in Germany.

We will need to see the original degree certificate or a copy either notarised by a notary public or certified by the issuing academic institution. The original will be returned to you during your appointment. Any document in a language other than German, English or French needs to be translated into one of these languages by a certified or sworn translator.

  • 1 photocopy of the original and translation (if applicable)
  • Print-outs from the official database (ANABIN) - showing that both the qualification as well as the academic institution are listed as comparable - 1 copy
  • OR original of the “Statement of Comparability for Foreign Higher Education Qualifications”, issued by the Central Office for Foreign Education (ZAB) plus 1 photocopy of the ZAB statement.

Option 2: You score a minimum of six points in the points system in addition to meeting the following requirements:

You have successfully completed vocational or academic training. It is important that the qualification is recognised by the country in which you obtained it. In addition, your vocational qualification must have required at least two years of vocational training. To support your visa application, you will need a positive result for this qualification, which you can apply for online at the Central Office for Foreign Education (ZAB).

If you completed Category A vocational education and training at a German Chamber of Commerce Abroad (AHK) that meets the requirements of the Vocational Training Act [BBiG], this qualification may also be suitable. For more information, please contact the AHK where you obtained your qualification.

We will need to see the original qualification or a copy either notarised by a notary public or certified by the issuing vocational institution. The original will be returned to you during your appointment. Any document in a language other than German, English or French needs to be translated into one of these languages by a certified or sworn translator.

· 1 photocopy of the original and translation (if applicable)

· Original of the recognition notice regarding your professional qualification plus 1 photocopy

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