Customs regulations

Deutsches Zollabzeichen, © Bundeszollverwaltung
The German Customs Authority “Zoll” may be contacted for all questions with regard to import and export of goods to and from Germany.
Either follow the link below to its website or contact the Zollinfocenter
Tel: 0049-69-4699-7600
Fax: 0049-69-4699-7609
Postal address: Zollinfocenter, Friedrichstr. 35, 63069 Offenbach/Main, Germany
Zoll - German Customs Authority (English Website)
Customs Declaration Regulations for travellers entering or leaving the EU and carrying € 10.000 or more in cash
All travellers entering or leaving the European Union and carrying € 10.000 or more in cash, its equivalent in other currencies or easily convertible assets (e.g. traveller's cheques, bearer cheques and bonds) must declare the sum to Customs. This initiative has been taken to assist the efforts against organized crime and terrorism by combating money laundering and cross-border funding of terrorism. Detailed information as well as the declaration forms in multiple languages are provided by the websites of the European Union Commission as well as German Customs Authorities.