
Ambassador Margit Hellwig-Bötte

30.01.2024 - Article
Ambassador Margit Hellwig-Bötte
Ambassador Margit Hellwig-Bötte© German Embassy

Dear readers and visitors to our website,

on October 13th 2020 I handed over my letters of credence as German Ambassador to the Republic of Botswana to His Excellency Dr. Mokgweetsi Masisi. He invited me to make Botswana my home, and so I did! I have criss-crossed the country from Lokgwabe to Bobonong and from Thamaga to Pandamatenga. Now my term has come to end and I will return to Germany at the end of June 2024. In the last four years I learned a lot about Botswana's natural splendours, its abundant wildlife and its traditional heritage but also about the challenges of human wildlife conflict.

Since 1966, the Republic of Botswana and the Federal Republic of Germany have enjoyed excellent bilateral relations. We are partners in the United Nations, and we share the same values and principles. Both our countries strongly believe in multilateralism – even more today, because we think that only through increased global efforts can we counter the effects of climate change and address security challenges.

Germany and Botswana are also partners in science and university cooperation as well as in vocational training and fostering digital competences. I am convinced that empowering and skilling young people as well as fostering talent, creativity, and entrepreneurship are the way forward for Botswana as a country with a young population.

I wish my successor all the best and am sure that she will enjoy her stay in Botswana as much as I did.

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Margit Hellwig-Boette born 11 July 1958 in Kassel, Germany, married Professional Profile Career Diplomat with over 30 years of service in the Federal Foreign Office.Over 10 years of experience with…

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